Individual Counselling and Therapy
Unique Care for Unique Individuals
Effective therapy for individuals is as unique as the individual who is seeking help. To address the concerns of the individual, the therapist and the client must have a common understanding of the challenges being faced. The treatment plan must be based on a thorough knowledge of the individual. To assure this, at Family-Counselling we provide in-depth, personal exploration in full cooperation with the individual client in a safe, supportive and confidential environment.
With the understanding gained from the assessment, therapy can move forward addressing a surprising range of client concerns. Difficulties in the major life-task areas of love, social relations and occupation are seen in their relationship to the unique individual. Unraveling the puzzle being faced is not so daunting when the therapist and client are working together in the venture of self-discovery and social betterment.
If you are concerned about personal issues and want to understand them within a holistic framework of who you are and how you fit into the world we share, Family-Counselling therapists may be an avenue of valid exploration for you.